Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog Post #9: Patience is A Virtue...And an Inspiration?

This may sound weird, but I feel that patience inspires me. The time it takes for things to flourish is a beautiful things to me. I’m known to be a late bloomer, and a time consumer when it comes to my own life path. However, I feel that in order for things to come out the way you truly want it, you have to take the time, and wait for things to come about the correct way.

I think patience and time also gives you room to make mistakes, and be able to correct them. If you make mistakes early on, you’ll have time correct them for the future. The reason I feel that patience is an inspiration to me is because I like to take my time with things so that it comes out the way I planned it to be. I also feel that patience is inspiring to me because I don’t like rushed work. If I can manage to do something on the fly, then it was probably sheer luck. Though in normal situations, my products come out like “chicken scratch”.

I’ll admit that there were times where patience has pushed me, and I wasn’t inspired at the moment. Times where I am not inspired by patience is when I am driving or during confrontational times. When there are stressed times, patience isn’t really running in my head, even though I think it should be.
I am not sure if I share this inspiration with anyone else, but I think that this type of inspiration is something that people should think about. It may not be a person, art form, or behavior, but it’s something that people normally don’t take notice to, let alone as an inspiration.

Although people inspire me, it doesn’t last because I’m a detached person. If I had to choose someone that inspires me, it would be my mother. She exemplified patience my whole life, and put aside her dreams to raise me. I think that is great human interaction with patience.

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