Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blog Post #4: My Bio Blog

My name is Dominique Anderson, and I am 21 years old. I have a big interest in jewelry making, interior/commercial design, traveling, many forms of art, and learning new things about life and the people who exist in it. I am also very family oriented, and consider them to be a big motivation in my life, especially while I am attending the Year Up program. I have seven younger siblings who look up to me, so I feel that it is mandated that I do something that would at least make a positive impact in their lives. I have future plans to go to a four-year college, preferably Sacramento State or out of state, that would apply to Commercial Design, and get a Associate of Arts Degree in Fine Arts.

After I feel that I have accomplished my school studies, I will work at trying to create my own design firm that would aid businesses or companies who needs functional and creative environment to work in. My reason for choosing commercial design as a career is because I am a very artistic person, and would love to be able to meld that into a business career, where I can effectively help someone. I would want the work that I do in the world to last for a prominent number of years and be useful.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog Post #3: An Event of Our Today-Meg Whitman becomes CEO of HP

Today, September 22, 2011, former CEO of HP, Leo Apotheker, has been fired and replaced by former e-Bay & runner-up for 2010 California Governor election, Meg Whitman. Although both of these great people are qualified to run a company, there will always be only one winner. Apotheker was CEO of the company from September of last year til now. Between that time, HP's stock dropped about 40%, and then almost another 25% in August this year. His executive background includes co-CEO and eventual CEO of SAP AG. It is a software corporation that creates other software programs for businesses, which lasted him almost two years. 

Unlike Apotheker small working ranks, Whitman has had many executive positions at many popular companies like Hasbro, The Walt Disney Company, and Proctor & Gamble. I personally think that Meg Whitman would do greatly as CEO for HP. She has great credentials, and seems very educated in the things that she does. I chose this article because it relates to jobs in the Technology & IT world, and I think this is female empowering.

I also think, as an ulterior motive, that becoming CEO for another company would boost her votes for another election to come. Although some people feel that she may have screwed over e-Bay, the employees that she brought in ended up profiting a lot of money, annually. I also think as an ulterior motive, that becoming CEO again will boost votes for her if she were to become a candidate for another election. Overall though, I think that girls (women) rule the world.

"Who run the world...GIRLS"
-Beyonce "Run The World"

KTVU News:
Meg Whitman Info:
Leo Apotheker Info:éo_Apotheker

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blog Post #2:: The Awkward Years: My High School Experience

For the four most confusing years of my life, I attended Deer Valley High School. I remember the first day of my freshman year thinking that I would have that same "Im so excited to venture into a new world" feeling, as if it I were going to back to kindergarten. I will admit, the first week was fun, but I think after that, everything went downhill. I had ran away from home during a school break, which was a funny and unsuccessful attempt to live on my own. I ran away for a day and came back home the same day!

I had always struggled to keep good grades, despite how much I actually knew because I was actually smart. I never really applied myself when it came to homework. The environment set in my school was pretty fast paced and it seemed, in my eyes, that everybody was just trying to fit in, instead of doing work. Aside from myself, a lot of my classmates ended up reuniting our senior year in night school to catch up with credits. Although my teachers were pressing me to do good, I had internal issues at home that hindered me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog Post #1: The Way I "Talk"

Being that I come from a separated family, I would say that both my mother and father had some sort of influence on the way I speak now. I would also say that my settings sometimes influence me to talk a certain way, as well. Whenever my mother talked to me, she spoke "proper", but did not hesitate to add some slang into a sentence in order to get a point across, whether it'd be good or bad. My father, on the other hand, almost always spoke "proper" and always wanted me to speak proper. There were times that I caught him slip out a few slang words, and not even correct it. He wasn't strict with me, though, so if I had let a few slip out, that would be okay, too.

I really picked up on slang being around my young peers in elementary school. I hung out with a lot of different ethnicity groups growing up, so I caught on to how they spoke to each other. At the end of the day though, I try to speak in whatever way is comfortable and understandable enough to get my point across. Regardless of if it was slang or "proper". I think I can come up with my own "lingo", and say that I speak proper slang, or slang in a proper tone.